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Cow Farts add Methane to Atmosphere
Tim of ThyArt   20 Jun 2019 / updated: 20/Jun/2019

Are farting cows causing Global Warming?

Methane was explained earlier as irrelevant to Climate Change. This is just using the topic to promote another agenda of the Elite. This is just more evidence of trying too hard to find something to blame. Part of the agenda is to remove red meat from the peasants' diet. The mix of amino acids and fatty acids dictate hormones important to aggressions and intelligence, these must be a balanced part of the diet.

Cow farts contribute to Global Warming. OUTRIGHT LIE!

WHO CARES! This was properly addressed under the topic of methane. This is just more evidence of trying too hard to find something to blame. Part of the agenda is to remove red meat from the peasants' diet.

The PRIMARY factor in losing weight is PROTEIN control. Understanding protein is critical and has terms that fail intelligence. First what is called Essential Amino Acids are not that they are primarily essential but, they are the amino acids the human body cannot produce from the non-essential amino acids which the body is capable of producing. The non-essentials are not all NOT essential, It is that from the non-essential Amino acids, these other non-essential amino acids can be formed. The human digestive system overall does not accept proteins but amino acids, does not accept fat but fatty acids, does not accept complex sugars but simple sugars. The digestive system breaks the more complex molecules into simpler ones so the body can use them to build the molecules it needs. A shortage of a particular amino acid can occur of one type when it must be used to form another type that was not in the diet.

There is a different quantity of amino acids in all foods, and different types of fatty acids also. The point is simple; those that rely on a diet of living animals with some form of brain need some intelligence to acquire a meal. The mix of amino acids and fatty acids dictate hormones important to aggressions and intelligence, these must be part of the diet. This does not mean vegetarian animals do not have aggressive tendencies; it is just non-intelligent, more instinctive aggression for such actions as mating or idiotic protestors. One must look at this from a predatory Elite Society and their attempts to control the mass population, controlling and creating a hormone imbalance is a useful tool toward stupid reactionary, depressive, sexually confused, passive aggressive, chicken witted, substandard people, worthy to be labeled surfs or peasants. No matter your diet, make sure it is balanced!

So, why do the globalists really hate cattle and beef? Beef cost money and uses land to produce. As an example, a single tomato plant takes up little space producing pounds of tomatoes; the profit margin is great compared to that of a cow. Beef may soon become a rich person's food, all because they cannot make dollars on the pennies spent. It is also a land grab. This effort forces the ranches into unprofitable returns, often leading to bankruptcy and loss of their land to the bankers.

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